Forward Worthington is...
- a non-profit volunteer organization of businesses and individuals who band together to advance the commercial, financial, industrial and civic interests of our community in an effort to expand the economy of the area.
- vehicle through which members can accomplish collectively what they could not do individually
Forward Worthington is not...
- a department of the city, county or state government; it is not a social service or charitable institution it is not a private advertising, publicity or public relations agency
The Forward Worthington purpose is...
- to sell the Worthington area as a site for conventions and business conferences/meetings
- to increase the number of visitors to Worthington
- to improve services and events to travelers, conventions, and residents; develop and promote attractions and special events in and to the Worthington area
Get Started Promoting Your Business Today!
No matter what your business is or how long you have been in business the Forward Worthington has something to offer you!